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Thursday 21 November 2019

I read the Quran to learn about terrorist beliefs but ended up becoming Muslim

I read the Quran to learn about terrorist beliefs but ended up becoming Muslim
 By Jennifer R Williams                                                                   Adam I. Seedat
All American Muslim
If you were to pass me on the street, you would never suspect I’m a Muslim: I don’t wear hijab. I have platinum blonde hair and blue eyes. And I am heavily tattooed. I grew up in Texas and was raised Southern Baptist. I use the word “y’all” a lot—and not ironically. But I am Muslim. I also speak Arabic and hold a Master’s degree in International Security with a focus on terrorism and the Middle East.
 Several years ago, I realized that although I had long studied, analyzed, and written about Islamic political theory and how jihadist ideologues like Osama bin Laden use the Qur’an to justify their heinous acts of violence, I had never actually read the Qur’an. So I read it—and what I found in its pages changed my life. I found answers to questions about faith and belief and morality that had been plaguing me since my youth. I found the connection to God I thought I had lost. And seven years ago, I converted to Islam.
 Just to be clear: I detest the twisted interpretations of Islam espoused by the likes of Al Qaeda and ISIS just as much today as I did before I converted—in fact, probably more so, since now I see it not only as a sick bastardization of a beautiful religion, but a sick bastardization of my beautiful religion.
When I read the Qur’an, I find a God who is beneficent, who is merciful, and who cherishes mankind. I find a religion that encourages independent thought, compassion for humanity, and social justice. The jihadis claim to love these same things about Islam, but have somehow decided that the best way to share God’s message of mercy and compassion with the world is to blow up mosques and behead humanitarian aid workers. Great plan, guys.
Three years ago, the hashtag “#MuslimApologies” began trending on Twitter. The hashtag was a tongue-in-cheek response to those—such as right-wing radio host Laura Ingraham—who, in the wake of the beheadings of Westerners by ISIS, have questioned why Muslims have not been more vocal about denouncing terrorism carried out in the name of Islam (except that many have). Tired of constantly being asked to apologize for the acts of a few vile individuals who twist Islam to justify their barbarism, Muslims on Twitter decided to take a humorous stand—by apologizing for everything: the Twilight saga, World Wars I and II, that Pluto is no longer a planet, and, my personal favourite, that Mufasa had to die in The Lion King. Some also used the hashtag to sarcastically apologize for the important contributions Islamic culture has made to the world, from algebra to coffee to the camera obscura.
Of course, I wanted to get in on the fun. After tweeting my sarcastic apology for the terrible ending of the television show LOST, I decided to tweet something a little more serious: a 140-character summary of my conversion story:
After sending my tweet, I went to bed. When I awoke the next morning, I was pleasantly surprised to find that my humble little tweet had been retweeted numerous times and I had picked up dozens of new followers. Several people—almost all Muslims—had responded expressing their happiness for me and welcoming me to Islam. So, that was nice. I also got a few trolls, of course: people telling me I was brainwashed, trying to convince me that the CIA created ISIS, or asking me if I had engaged in female genital mutilation yet. That was less nice, but to be expected; it is Twitter, after all.
Then things took an unexpected turn. My tweet went viral—at last check, it had been retweeted more than 11,300 times—and I soon began to notice a disturbing trend: of the thousands of people who were retweeting and following me, many of them had the black flag of ISIS as their Twitter profile photos. Others had pictures of themselves holding swords, standing in front of the black ISIS flag. Uh-oh.
Then the Saudis showed up: men whose profile pictures showed them in traditional Saudi dress (sometimes behind the wheel of a swanky SUV or insanely expensive sports car) started replying to my tweet and asking to speak to me in private. One guy told me how beautiful I would look in hijab. Another just straight up asked me to marry him.
So I’m famous. In Saudi Arabia. Great.
Not that I have anything against Saudis, of course. I’ve known plenty of perfectly lovely Saudis, and I would be making the same mistake as American Islamophobes if I painted all Saudis as Islamic fundamentalists. But there is no denying that something is rotten in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The ruling al-Sauds have given a lot of power and influence to hardline Islamic fundamentalists within their society in order to secure their rule. Among the results of this dubious bargain is that Saudi-funded Salafi-Wahhabi madrassas around the world preach hate and the Saudi state has beheaded far more people in the last several months than ISIS has—for crimes ranging from adultery to apostasy to “sorcery.” So it’s still a little disconcerting that I’ve suddenly become a big hit in Saudi Arabia.
It’s clear that my tweet about becoming Muslim struck a nerve with a lot of Muslims, both here in America and in the broader Muslim world. Non-Muslims sometimes don’t realize how much hatred and negativity gets thrown at Muslims and how utterly soul crushing it can be to have to defend yourself and your beliefs on a daily basis, and it’s really nice to see someone saying something positive about Islam.
At the same time, though, it’s precisely the actions of ISIS and their followers and the words of intolerance emanating from the Salafi camp that provoke this reaction against Muslims. And I, for one, do not appreciate having my conversion story used to attract more people to a repugnant ideology that spawns suicide bombings and beheadings.
 About the Author
Jennifer R Williams lives in Washington, D.C. and is a foreign editor at Before joining Vox,she was a senior researcher at the Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution.

Wednesday 13 November 2019

OIC, Muslim leaders urged to make a stand on Babri Mosque verdict

 New Straits Times
10 November 2019
 KUALA LUMPUR: The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and Muslims leaders worldwide have been urged to make their stand following the verdict on the 16th century Babri mosque in India.
In a statement, Malaysian Consultative Council of Islamic Organization president Mohd Azmi Abdul Hamid, World Mosque in Defence of Al Aqsa chair alliance Datuk Seri Ahmad Awang and Ulama Assembly of Asia chair secretariat Datuk Wira Abdul Ghani Shamsudin also demanded that the Indian government ensure protection of all religious minorities and their places of worship.
India’s Supreme Court had yesterday ruled that the disputed holy site of Ayodhya in northern India should be given to Hindus who want to build a temple there.
It was in the old temple town that Babri mosque was demolished by Hindu mobs in 1992, which sparked riots that killed nearly 2,000 people, mostly Muslims.
“Replacing the mosque with another land does not resolve the dispute.
“It must also be based on justice for those killed and compensation for the mosque destroyed,” the statement read.
“The court also declared the demolition of the Babri mosque was against the rule of law.
“So, why is there a silence on this issue?
“Those responsible must be brought to justice.”
The statement also raised concern that the verdict would trigger more claims to avenge historical demands on holy sites.
“The question now is how does faith determine a land dispute?
 “The rule of law should have ideally determined a property dispute, but in this case a belief took dominance in the court decision,” it said.
 Mohd Azmi, Ahmad and Abdul Ghani also voiced their concern over the growing “hate campaign” against Islam and Muslims in India.“The Ayodhya verdict signals a long-term impact on the status of Muslims in India. The religious harmony that India wishes to cultivate amongst its people is now erased by the Hindutva ideology.”
Image: Women perform rituals at the banks of Saryu river on the day when the Supreme Court announced a verdict over a disputed religious site, in Ayodhya, India, 09 November 2019.-EPA

Tuesday 12 November 2019

Muslims can still get Babri-Masjid back

Hem Raj Jain
Dear Sir / Madam
Sub:- USA / UNHRC / UN should take cognizance of unprofessional Supreme Courts of nuclear India & Pakistan making South Asia politically explosive.
The countries being run on rule-of-law cannot function properly if their apex courts indulge in over-reach, majoritarianism, judicial-cowardice etc. Therefore USA (the leader of free world), UNHRC and UN should ensure through a mechanism at UN that UNHRC intervenes in the proceedings of the Supreme Courts of nuclear India & Pakistan (with the permission of these Courts) especially in cases which have brought Pakistan & India on the brink of internal political explosion & even war between them, as mentioned at:-  or


​Hem Raj Jain
(Author of ‘Betrayal of Americanism’)
Shakopee, MN, USA.
Whatsapp: 7353541252 

P.S. – The un-Islamic coward Muslims (who are not filing writ petitions despite my repeated request to them as mentioned at ) got what they deserved through said November, 9 SCI judgment. Even now if Muslims want to get Babri-Masjid back then (ii)- They should change all the Advocates who were fighting Babri Masjid case in SCI. and  (ii)- They should file Review in SCI as per my legal & political advice  

Wednesday 6 November 2019

Discovering the Beauty of Architecture: 5 Beautiful Pieces of Islamic Architecture Around the World

 Adam I. Seedat
By Mariam
1.   The Alhambra, Granada, Spain
The Alhambra is a palace built by a princes belonging to the Muslim Nasrid dynasty in the 14th century. Through time, some parts of the palace have been demolished. Today, there are three remaining parts: a fortress (al-Qasbah) on the west end of the hill, a princes-like residence to the east, and a group of pavilions and gardens known as the Generalife. You can identify the courtyards and spaces of the Alhambra easily, they are beautifully decorated with colored tiles, geometric forms, carved wood, and impressive calligraphy.
                                                                                          ©Romain Matteï
2. The Citadel of Aleppo, Syria
One of the most impressive works of architecture in the Midle East is is the citadel that stands on the top of a hill in the middle of the Syrian city of Aleppo. This example of Islamic military architecture is very impressive. Some of the fortifications found on the site by archeologists date back to the Roman times and earlier.
 On the inside you can find residences, store supplies, wells, mosques, and defensive installations, everything that was needed to hold out in times of war or a siege. The huge entrance block, built around 1213 is the most-imposing part of the building complex. There are two towering gates: called the Gate of the Serpents and the Gate of the Lions.
3. Sultan Amir Ahmad Bathhouse, Kashan, Iran
Sultan Amir Ahmad Bathhouse is a very unique example of Persian architecture and decoration. It was built in the 16th century and is today, a very known and popular tourist attraction. It is located in a historical area in Kashan. You can get access to many valuable attractionsfrom that location. The rooftop makes the structure of the bathhouse quite particular, as it is a charming and artistic part. It is a popular destination for many photographers at different times of the year as it offers a lot of breathtaking colors and angles. The bathhouse is registered as a national heritage site.

 ©Ali Kordzadeh
4. The dome of the Rock, Jerusalem, Palestine
The oldest extant Islamic monument of these times is the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. It is not only the oldest but also the best-known. The dome was built in 691–692, that is about 55 years after the Arab conquered Jerusalem. The structure consists of a luxurious wooden dome placed on top of an octagonal base. The site is very sacred to both Islam and Judaism.
5. Sulayman Mosque, Istanbul, Turkey 
One of the most prominent features of the Istanbul skyline is the towering dome of the Suleymaniye Mosque complex. The Mosque is built by the Ottoman emperor Suleyman the Magnificent between 1550 and 1557. It is the largest and most impressive of the mosque complexes in Istanbul. The complex was designed by the Ottoman master architect Sinan and is considered one of his masterpieces. Around the mosque itself you can find a hospital, several religious schools, a row of shops, a mausoleum, and a bath.

Tuesday 5 November 2019

*MAURICE BUCAILLE'S INSPIRING CONVERSION TO ISLAM*~{“I have converted to Islam and believed in this Qur’an.”}

~Y A S M I N~


MAURICE Bucaille was born to a French parent and, 
like his family, he grew up a Christian.. After his secondary education, he joined Faculty of Medicine, France University. Later, he became the most renowned and cleverest surgeon ever in modern France, but a story happened to change his life completely.
France is known for its unique interest in archeology and heritage. When French Socialist President François Mitterrand assumed power in 1981, France asked Egypt, late in the 80’s, for the mummy of Egypt’s pharaoh so that it would conduct a string of monumental and processing experiments. 
Actually the body of Egypt’s most notorious tyrant was transferred to France, and, strangely, the French president and his ministers as well as senior officials in the country lined up near the plane carrying the pharaoh’s body and bowed down to him as if he were still alive ! 
After the ceremonies of the royal-like reception to Egypt’s pharaoh were over, the tyrant’s mummy was carried nearly in the same red carpet reception way he received. Then the mummy was transferred to a special wing at the French Monuments Center, and renowned archeologists, surgeons and anatomists started to conduct a study on this mummy in an attempt to delve into its mysteries. 
The senior surgeon and the scientist in charge of the study on this mummy of the Pharaoh was Professor Maurice Bucaille. While the processors were busy making restoration to the mummy, their head (Maurice Bucaille) was thinking otherwise. 
He was trying to discover how this Pharaoh died when, 
late at night, he concluded his final analyses. 
The remains of the salt stuck in his body was a shining evidence that he had drowned and that his body was retrieved from the sea swiftly after he drowned; 
it was also obvious that they rushed to mummify his body so that his body would remain intact !
 But Maurice Bucaille puzzled over a question:
 How did this body — to the exclusion of other mummified bodies of other ancient Egyptians — remain that intact although it was recovered from the sea?” 
Maurice was busy conducting a final report while thinking as to whether the pharaoh’s body was recovered from the sea and mummified immediately after he drowned. But one of his company whispered in his ear, saying 
“There is no need to rush about this issue, since the Muslims say that this Pharaoh did drown.” 
At first, he vehemently rejected this and did not believe it, citing that such a discovery would be reached only through sophisticated, modern and accurate computers. 
Another one accompanying him surprised him more when he told him that the Muslims’ Qur’an in which they believe narrates the story that says he drowned and that his body remained intact even after he drowned. 
He got more surprised and kept on asking” Where did the Muslims’ Qur’an quote these data from while the mummy was not discovered until 1898, i.e. about 200 years only, given that the Qur’an has been recited by Muslims for over 1400 years, and given also that until a few decades ago the entire mankind including Muslims did not know that the ancient Egyptians had mummified their pharaohs ?

Maurice Bucaille stayed up all this night gazing at Pharaoh’s body, thinking deeply of what his fellow researcher told him about the Muslims’ Qur’an explicitly establishing that this body was recovered after drowning, while the Christians’ Gospel (Matthew and Luca) narrated only the story of Pharaoh when he was chasing Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) without mentioning the fate of his body at all.
“Is it believable that Muhammad (peace be upon him) knew about this over 1,000 years ago while I have only just known it?” he thought.
Maurice spent a sleepless night, and asked for a version of the Torah. But it only furthered Bucaille’s astonishment; since even Torah did not narrate that the body was recovered and remained intact due to the processing and restoration, which it did undergo.
France sent back the mummy to Egypt in a splendid glass coffin. But, since he knew about the story circulated by Muslims on the intactness of this body, he decided to pack his baggage and travel to Saudi Arabia where a medical conference happened to be held with a galaxy of Muslim anatomists attending.
There, told them about his discovery, i.e. that Pharaoh’s body was kept intact even after he drowned. One of the conferees opened the Qur’an and read out the 
Ayah in which ...
Allah Almighty said, “So today We will (safely) deliver you with your body that you may be a sign to the ones succeeding you; and surely many among mankind are indeed heedless of Our signs.” (Yunus: 92)
In his excitement, he stood before the attendants and loudly said... 
“I have converted to Islam and believed in this Qur’an.”
Back to France, Maurice Bucaille spent 10 years conducting a study as to how far the recently scientific facts match that mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, trying to reassure himself that the Qur’an has never contradicted with any single scientific fact, so that he eventually came up with the conclusion that Allah Almighty said of the Qur’an, “Untruth does not come up to it before (Literally: between its two hands) it nor from behind it; a successive sending down from (One) Ever-Wise, Ever-Praiseworthy.”
He came up with a earth shaking book on the Holy Qur’an which jolted the entire Western states, with the title of the book reading, “The Bible, The Qur’an and Science, The Holy Scriptures Examined In The Light Of Modern Knowledge.”
The book sold out and even hundreds of thousands of it were translated from French to Arabic, English, Indonesian, Persian, Turkish and German, extending to include nearly all East and West bookstores; one has come to see it with any Egyptian, Moroccan or Gulf person in the US.
In the preface of his book, Maurice Bucaille said, 
“These scientific areas which Qur’an established to the exclusion of other Scriptures filled me with deep surprise early on, since it never struck my mind to see such a large amount of scientific issues in such a variable and accurate way that they are a mirror image of what has recently been discovered in a book which has existed for more than 13 centuries...!!!
The Bible, The Qur’an and Science, The Holy Scriptures Examined In The Light Of Modern Knowledge was such a marvelous piece of writing that, in the year 1988, the French Academy awarded him its prize in history.

Monday 4 November 2019

Very good video on the evil of Dowry please open the given link :