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About Us

We are working in the field of Education, Economy and Health especially in the state of West Bengal (India). This is for your kind information that the population of Muslims in West Bengal are near about 2 crore 75 lacs i.e. 30% of the total population as per the census report of the Government of India. But the sad situation is that the whole Muslim community is very much backward and downtrodden in the field of Education, Economy and Health. And the very sorry situation is that due to lack of basic Islamic knowledge and education among the Muslim masses, they themselves become the obstacle for the propagation of Islam among the Non-Believers.

By the grace of Almighty Allah Subahanahu- Wa- Ta'ala we are working among the Muslims for giving them correct Islamic knowledge by establishing Primary Schools and Religious Makatibs in remote villages of the state and also providing knowledge, resources and co-operation to all establish Schools and Madrasas run by Muslim Ummah.

We are also providing Islamic Literature and the Holy Quran with translation in Hindi, English, Urdu and Bengali to the Muslims and supplying to the libraries and also organizing seminars on different topics regularly. In other direction, we are working in the field of Dawah among the Non-Believers by providing them Introductory Islamic Pamphlets and books in different languages and also organizing lectures on different topics on Islam. We also sponsor Orphan students of Religious and General Education and also sponsor widows & handicaps. We are running few technical Institutes like Driving, Sewing and Computer and also finance widows and very poor people to run a small business to earn their daily food. We distribute rice, cloth, meat and food among widows, orphans and very poor peoples in slums in and around Kolkata and also to the remote villages where other NGO's are not reaching. We also provide some house job to the widows by providing them goat kids, calves & chicken so that they can earn their daily food without begging. We collect Zakat and distribute as per the Quranic instruction. We organize marriages of poor girls and also organize circumcision of boys of poor family in villages.

I hope you are getting the report of our activities which we are doing under the banner of different Organizations for your kind information and action. Brother, if possible please forward our activities to those organizations those are in position to co-operate with us for the betterment and development of very backward and downtrodden Muslim community of West Bengal, especially in the field of Education, Economy and Health. It will be great pleasure for us if your good self may also provide us the email ID of those Islamic Organizations who are working in these fields and are also interested to work in this State (West Bengal).

Last but not the least I humbly request to your good self if you or your esteemed Organization are ready to work in West Bengal, Bihar & Assam, then we will welcome your organization and ready to work under the name and banner of your esteemed Organization with our full and whole-hearted co-operation (in shape of branch, affiliation, or as your committee decide). We are interested to work to the uplift the very backward and neglected Muslim Ummah in this part of the world and only & only need reward from Almighty Allah Subhanahu-wa – Ta’ala on the Day of Judgment.

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