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Tuesday 7 May 2019

Ya Ramadan
B i s m i l l a a h i r   R a h m a a n i r    R a h e e m

Ya Ramadan! 
In the name of Allah, the most Merciful, the most Kind!
A blessed month is casting  its shadow upon us.......
A night of this month is better than a thousand months
Bear with patience for the sake of Ar-Rahmaa'n
Faisal Mosque by toufeeque.
It's a continuous training to strengthen our Imaan.
ramadan-16-5 by Noushad Akambadam.
Glory be to Allah who sent Ramadan as a mercy to mankind
Its a purification of our soul,  our heart, and our mind With the most sincere devotion and love we fast 
Ramadan 7 by Noushad Akambadam.
To be cleansed and free from sins of the past...
Fasting Ramadaan out of faith by straight path.
Glorified is He, who chose to this holy month,
Muslim Praying In Desert by OsMaN_93.
To test our sabr (Patience) , and fill our hearts with warmth
Ramadan Prayer.jpg by araalinas.
Of his Divine Light, His blessings shall glow, The Seer of the unseen, all He does know...
Start of ramadan by bariisiyobasto.
Ya Allah! For thee, let my breath be more pleasant than musk...
Ya Allah! For thee, let me be thankful when day turns to dusk...
My thoughts and heart are  purified, my eyes truly see'
Serdar reading the Koran by stepan2008.
This blessed month, the month of spiritual rhapsody!
We love Ramadan by Noor Maryam.
Ya Allah! For thee, my life I shall live!
Women Praying Jamaah by DMahendra.
Ya Allah! For thee, my soul I shall give!
In the name of Allah, the most Merciful, the most Kind,
Devotion by MacaholiQ8.
Praise be to Allah, who sent, Ramadan as a gift to mankind!

The Prophet (Pbuh) said: "He who fasts Ramadan , due to faith and hoping for reward (from Allah) 
then his past sins will be forgiven." [Bukhari, Muslim]
Ramadan Mubarak
Mohammed Omer KhanGeneral Secretary
Bengal Educational & Social Trust (BEST) Bengal Zakat Fund (BZF) Rahmah Foundation (RF)  E-mail: ,; 
Website: | Facebook: ,Mob: +9193391 05712
1,  Nawab  Badruddin  Street, Kolkata  – 700 073, West  Bengal, INDIA

Saturday 4 May 2019


'Bismillah  Walhamdulillah Was  Salaatu  Was
Salaam`ala  Rasulillah'
'As Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatahu'
*Sighting the New Moon of Ramadaan is Fardh  Kifaayah{!}*
It is Obligatory to witness the new moon for
establishing certain acts of worship...
If these acts are obligatory,
such as Fasting~'Ramadaan' & 'Hajj'...
then witnessing the New Moon also becomes
obligatory on the Muslim 'Ummah'~
{Fard Kifaayah.}
That is because ...
“ what is necessary to fulfill the  requirements of an
obligation is an obligation itself. ”
The 'Sunnah' 'Du`a' upon seeing the New Moon...
The Prophet (SallAllahu `Alayhi Wasallam)
taught us the 'Dua' to read when we see the new moon.
So make an effort to sight the 'Ramadhan' Moon with
full attention and eagerness and say this 'Du`a'
on sighting the new moon...{!}
{ In Shaa Allah }

Allaahu 'Akbar, Allaahumma `ahillahu `alayna bil`amni
wal'eemaani, wassalaamati wal-`Islaami, wattawfeeqi
limaa tuhibbu Rabbanaa wa tardhaa,
Rabbunaa  wa  Rabbukallaahu .
Allaah is the Greatest. O Allaah, let the crescent loom
above us in safety, faith, peace, and Islaam, and in
agreement with all that You love and pleases You.
Our Lord and your Lord is Allaah.”
A  Neglected  'Sunnah' ?
It is a part of the beauty of Islam anticipating when
Tr:Fasting  will start. When will 'Eid' be ?
This builds up the excitement and love of
these blessed times.
And there is deepest wisdom in how
Allah {Subhaanahu wa Taala} ordained these issues.

This was the way of the Prophet
(SallAllahu `Alayhi Wasallam),
the 'Sahaabah', and the Early generations,
including the Four Imams.
Yet, it is sad to see many Muslims getting lost in the fast
track world of machines and calculations and
neglecting this act of 'Sunnah'!
...thus losing out on the chance to earn reward from their  Rabb for following
the Prophet (SallAllahu `Alayhi Wasallam) and his guidance...{!}
So work hard to revive the 'Sunnah' of the Prophet
(SallAllahu `Alayhi Wasallam) and Please don’t belittle it.
Practice it yourself, teach it to your children and others.
Reviving aspects of the 'Sunnah' that are being forgotten is one of the most
important charitable deeds that a person can do during his lifetime
and is a deed that will bring an  immense reward...{!}
'Whoever revives an aspect of my 'Sunnah' that is
forgotten after my death, he will have a reward equivalent
to that of the people who follow him, without it detracting
in the least from their reward.'
PROPHET (SallAllahu `Alayhi Wasallam) also said...
‘Pay attention to my 'Sunnah' and the way of the Rightly guided Khaleefahs
after me, adhere to it and hold fast to it.’
{ Source:  Saheeh Abi Dawud }
“And he who brings the Truth and he who confirms and
supports it ... such are the men who do right.
They shall have all that they wish for,
with their Rabb.
Such is the reward of those who do good:
so that Allah will remit from them (even) the worst of their  deeds and
give them their reward according to the best of  what they have done.”
"Never  Despair  Of  The  Mercy  Of  Allah"
"I Want to Die With my Forehead on the Ground,
The Sunnah in my Heart, Allah on my Mind,
Qur'an on my Tongue, and Tears in my Eyes!"
Son of Adam! You are nothing but a number of days, whenever
Each day passes then part of you has gone!
{'In Shaa Allah'~ 'Aameen'}
{Source:  'Qur’an'~ Surat Az-Zumar (The Troops)  39~A #'s 33-35~}

Wednesday 1 May 2019

Israel 'has arrested over 50,000 children since 1967'

The New Arab
Disguised Israeli “soldiers” arrest a Palestinian child
Israel has arrested more than 50,000 Palestinian children since it began its occupation of the West Bank more than 50 years ago, new research has revealed.
According to data released by the Palestinian Commission of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs, more than 50,000 arrest cases among Palestinian minors were documented in the occupied West Bank since 1967, including 16,655 cases of child arrests since the Second Intifada which broke out in 2000.
Head of research in the Commission of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs, Abdel Nasser Farawneh released the figures whilst speaking in the two-day fifth European conference on Palestinian prisoners.
The conference took place in Brussels on Saturday and addresses Israel’s systematic use of prisons as a part of its brutal occupation of Palestine.
Farawneh added arrests of children are part of Israel’s methodical policy to diminish any chance Palestinian children may have of living a normal childhood.
Israel has occupied the West Bank since 1967. More than 600,000 Israelis live in settlements in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.
All Israeli settlements across the occupied West Bank are classed as illegal under international law, particularly Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which asserts that "the occupying power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies".
Israeli forces and settlers routinely attack Palestinians in the occupied territories, demolishing their homes, poisoning their livestock and vandalising their properties.


'Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was
Salaam `ala Rasulillah'.

              'As-Salaam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu'

'The Planning of The Almighty is Better for you
than your own Planning'.
'...Except for those who are patient and do Righteous deeds; those will have forgiveness and great reward'.
 [Source~'Qur`an' ~ Surat Hud 11~ A # 11]

“The planning of  Al-Mighty ALLAH is betterfor you than your own planning....
HE could deprive you from what you ask to test your patience...!

So let HIM see from you a determined patience ...
and you will soon see from HIM what will give you joy.

And when you have cleaned the paths of an
answering (of supplication) from the stains of sin
[i.e have repented]
and were patient about what
HE has chosen for you, then everything that happens
to you is better for you whether you were given
or deprived of what you have requested.”
*Never Despair Of The Mercy Of Allah*

[Source: Imaam ibn Al-Jawzee (r) ]
"All that is on earth will Perish. But will abide {Forever}
the Face of thy Lord, full of Majesty, Bounty and Honor"
{'Qur`an'- Surah Al-Rahman-55.26-27 }