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Tuesday 18 December 2018

Jesus (Pease be upon him) is not the son of God,
he is the chosen Messenger and Prophet of Allah.
(Not permissible to congratulate saying Merry Christmas)

The overall Code which is made by Allah, the Exalted, for the birth of mankind i.e. a man getting married to a woman and have intercourse with her, thereafter by Allah’s command, firmness of pregnancy and giving birth of a child. Under no circumstance, Allah Almighty has also created some humans by not following this Code. Allah Almighty created Adam in such a way in which He involved neither a man nor a woman. Since Eve was created from Adam's rib, so, somehow, a man was involved in her creation, but there was no involvement of a woman. Similarly, Allah, the Exalted, created Jesus without a father, only from the mother (Mary daughter of Imran) through His power, in the city of Bethlehem, Palestinian. As, Almighty Allah said in the Verse 59 of Surah A’al Imran (Indeed, the example of Jesus to Allah is like that of Adam. He created Him from dust; then He said to him, "Be," and he was.)
In the light of Quran and Hadith, all Muslims believe that Jesus Christ is the chosen Prophet and Messenger of Allah. In the holy Quran, almost at 25 places, the name of Jesus Christ is mentioned and he was not hanged/crucified, but he was lifted into the heavens and a person similar to him was hanged. As, Allah Almighty has stated in Surah An-Nisa Verses 157 & 158 (And (for) their saying, "Indeed, we have killed the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, the messenger of Allah." And they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him; but (another) was made to resemble him to them). Furthermore, Allah, the Exalted, explicitly explained that Jesus Christ was not hanged/crucified, but he was lifted up. The full detail of this event is elaborated by the holy prophet  PBUH and can be found in Ahadith. It is also mentioned in Hadiths that before the day of Resurrection, he will be descended from heavens to the white minaret in the east of Damascus. Then, all nook and corner of the world will be ruled by Muslims under his patronage.
No certain date of Jesus birth is found in any religious authoritative book, even in the book of Christians, it is not mentioned that he was born on 25th December. Without any evidence, they recognized 25th December as Jesus date of birth. Although, what is estimated from texts of the Quran, Hadiths and the Bible is that Jesus was born in the summer season. As per Bible (chapter 2 verse 8), when Jesus was born at the night, at that time the shepherd was grazing his sheep outside. In the last days of December, it is snowing heavily in Bethlehem that no one can dare to go out of his house. And Bible says that the shepherd was grazing his sheep outside. In the month of December, due to heavy snowing in Bethlehem (Palestine), it is impossible to graze sheep outside at night. The holy Quran (Surah Mariam Verse 25) says that immediately after the birth of Jesus, Allah, the Exalted, told Marry “And shake toward you the trunk of the palm tree; it will drop upon you ripe, fresh dates. So eat and drink and be contented.” The whole world knows that the dates become ripe in the summer season, not in winter. Besides, there are more evidence that denote that Jesus was born in the summer season.
Christians believe that Jesus is given birth by Allah Almighty (Allah forbid), i.e. Jesus is the son of Allah, the Exalted. This was strongly denounced by Allah, the Exalted, in Surah Mariam: “And they say, "The Most Merciful has taken (for Himself) a son." You have done an atrocious thing. The heavens almost rupture there from and the earth splits open and the mountains collapse in devastation. That they attribute to the Most Merciful a son. And it is not appropriate for the Most Merciful that He should take a son.” In Surah Ikhlas, Almighty Allah has explicitly said: Say, "He is Allah, (who is) One, Allah, the Eternal Refuge. He neither begets nor is born, nor is there to Him any equivalent”. Thus, in the light of very open instructions/teachings of Quran and Sunnah, all Muslims believe that Jesus is not the son of Allah, the Exalted, but he is a man and there is no compromise in this matter at all.
Christians celebrate Merry Christmas on 25th December with the belief that Allah Almighty has given birth of Jesus on 25th December (Allah forbid). We don’t want to interfere in their religion, but it is our religious obligation that we should not participate in those religious parties/celebrations are being convened on this occasion, and also do not congratulate anyone saying Merry Christmas. As this sentence is totally averse of Quran and Sunnah. Yes! In case, your neighbour or friend is a Christian and he congratulates you on this occasion, then you have to withdraw yourselves by saying other words such as (thanks, etc.) As, the base/belief on which the Merry Christmas celebrated, is quite contrary to Quranic teachings. You could be thoughtful about your neighbour or friend, but on the other hand, there is also the issue of God's wrath and His severe punishment. So, it would be said to them openly that our belief is that Jesus besides being a chosen messenger and prophet, he is not Allah’s son at all. So that, I’m sorry to participate in the celebrations convened on this occasion.
There is substantial difference of opinion among Christians and Muslims on their belief in Isa (Alaihis Salam)
1)   Nasara (Christians) believe that Isa (Alaihis Salam) is son of Allah, the Almighty, while in the light of Quran and hadith the whole Muslim Ummah (Nation) believes that Allah has no son or daughter, as Allah, the Almighty has repeatedly clarified this in the holy Quran.  In Surah Al-Ikhlas also this has been clearly asserted that Allah, the Almighty neither begets nor is He begotten. Allah, the Almighty had created Adam (Alaihis salam) without any role of a man and woman, and Eve (Alaihas salam) was created without any role of a woman merely by Allah's command. Allah, the Almighty created Isa (Alaihis Salam) by a woman (Maryam –Alaihas Salam) without any role of a male. Christians do not believe in Adam and Eve (Alaiham Assalam) as son and daughter of Allah, despite the fact that Allah, the Almighty had created Adam (Alaihis Salam) without any role of man and woman and created Eve (Alaihas Salam) without any role of a woman, then how come that Isa (Alaihis Salam) who was created without a man (in similar circumstances), is believed to be Allah’s son? Our intellect also demands that it is not befitting to the Almighty Allah Who is the Creator, Lord and Sustainer of the whole universe that “He begets not, nor is He begotten”.
2)   Christians believe that Isa (Alaihis Salam) shares Allah's right of being worthy of worship. Trinity is an integral part of Christianity, which means three in one or one in three. Christians believe that Allah is one but includes three entities in one; god father, god son, the holy ghost. The Christian, till to date, stick to this belief. As for Islam, there is no place of trinity in it. Hundreds of verses of the Holy Quran refute this belief. According to Islamic creed Allah is one and nothing is like unto Him neither in His self nor in His attributes.  In Surah Maryam, Allah strongly refutes this belief saying it is such a terrible evil thing whereby the heavens are almost torn.
3)   Christians believe that Jews had crucified Isa (Alaihis Salam). However, in the light of teachings of Quran and Hadith, the whole Muslim nation is unanimous that Isa (Alaihis Salam) was neither killed nor was he crucified, but rather he was ascended to heaven prior to his crucifixion and a person resembling him was crucified in his place. He will descend down on the earth prior to the doomsday. He will spend his life following the Shari’ah of Muhammad (PBUH) and will enforce the teachings of the Holy Quran and Hadith.
4)   Christians believe that the last Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) who is from the descendants of Ismail (Alaihis salam) the second son of  Ibrahim (Alaihis Salam) born in Makkah is not a Messenger of Allah, the Almighty and anyone who believes in  Muhammad (PBUH) as a messenger of Allah exits from the fold of Christianity. On the other hand, in the religion of Islam besides believing in Muhammad (PBUH) as the last Messenger it is also necessary to believe in Ibrahim, Musa, Isa (Alaihim Assalam). Now, the reader can easily decide as to which religion subscribes to extremism.
Summary: To exchange greetings on the occasion of New Year is a practice of non-Muslims. However, the rituals and functions organized on this occasion are not motivated by a specific religion’s ideology and it has now become a social norm. Therefore, though it is not unlawful to exchange greeting on such occasion, however, the Holy Quran and Hadith are replete with teachings of not adopting the non-Muslims’ rituals. Therefore, we should avoid exchanging such greetings, because the leader of all prophets  Muhammad (PBUH), his companions, mufassireen (Quran commentators), muhadditheen (scholars of Hadith) and other scholars of Islam, none of them has been reported to have exchanged greeting on the occasion of New Year even at the beginning of Hijri year. But to exchange greeting by saying “Merry Christmas” is a pure religious matter. The belief with which the people celebrate Christmas day saying “Merry Christmas” is absolutely contrary to Islamic teaching, for Christians believe that Isa (Alaihis Salam) was born on 25th December and fathered by Allah, the Almighty. In addition they also believe in trinity, i.e. they believe that Allah, the Almighty instead of being one entity is comprised of three entities; god father, god son and the holy ghost. This belief is very dangerous and contrary to Islamic teachings. It is a matter of great sorrow that some Muslims initiate greeting each other saying “Merry Christmas” which has no room in the religion of Islam. Therefore, Muslims should not exchange greeting on this occasion. Those Muslims residing in Western countries or studying with Christians or employed with Christians or doing business with Christians should not proactively greet them on this occasion. However, if they are greeted by Christians they should say other words of prayer to them. It is worth mentioning that not a single reliable religious book even the bible itself having thousands of copies, mentions that  Isa (Alaihis Salam) was born on 25th December.
Mohammad Najeeb Qasmi (

Friday 7 December 2018


UNGA Adopts Resolution Calling for End to Israel’s Occupation of Palestine

Ali Kazak
Sputnik International
 UNGA Adopts Resolution Calling for End to Israel’s Occupation of Palestine© AFP 2018
UNITED NATIONS (Sputnik) - The UN General Assembly voted in favor of a resolution calling to end the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories, current President of the UN General Assembly Maria Espinosa said in a statement.
"The result of the vote is as follows: 156 in favor, six against, 12 abstentions," Espinosa said on Thursday. "The draft resolution is adopted."
The Comprehensive, Just and Lasting Peace in the Middle East resolution sponsored by Ireland urges to end the occupation of Palestinian territories by the state of Israel and reaffirms its support for the two-state solution.
The United States and Israel voted against the resolution in addition to Australia, Liberia, Marshall Islands, and Nauru.
The adoption of the resolution came after UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres last week urged Israel and Palestine to peacefully resolve their conflict by supporting the two-state solution plan that envisages an independent State of Palestine alongside the State of Israel, west of the Jordan River.
For decades, Palestine has been in conflict with the Israeli government. In November, at least 40 Palestinians were injured in clashes with Israel troops near the Gaza Strip border. Since 1967, Israel has been occupying Palestinian territories of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, and refuses to recognize Palestine as an independent political and diplomatic state

Wednesday 5 December 2018




UP me Modi aur Yogi Ka jungle raaj



by Marwa Atik:

In 1979 my grandfather made the decision to leave his home in Syria and start a new life the U.S. The plan was that my grandfather would come to California first and then my grandmother would follow along with their 7 children. Their American Airlines Flight #191 reservations included a stop in New York then a connection in Chicago before finally arriving in California.

They landed in New York first. All immigrants first had to apply for a green card before their next destination. My then 13 year old Aunt Hala had recently put on the hijab. When it came time for her photo, they asked my aunt to remove her hijab(headscarf) and she said NO. They consistently informed her that she would not be able to move to America or go to their next flight until she took this photo but she was steadfast and insisted on her rights.

By now my grandmother became impatient, having flown half-way across the globe and having spent close to their life savings on these tickets, she did not want to miss the next flight out to California. My grandmother pleaded and told her to remove it and to do what the immigration officers told her to do, but my aunt continued to refuse. They called her into the back and she told them It doesn't matter how many people you call in, I will not remove my hijab for this photo. After the officers called their supervisors and three brutal hours later, they finally released my aunt and allowed her to keep her headscarf on for the photo. However, by then it was too late, the entire family had missed their connecting flight and they had to purchase new plane tickets and stay overnight in New York. Furious and upset, my grandmother lectured my aunt the whole flight to California.

By the time they finally arrived to LAX California, my grandfather greeted them with the biggest hug and was in tears. He kept repeating "Hamdulilah you're alive! Hamdulilah you're alive!" And they were like, well yeah why wouldn't we be??

He said, " The original flight you were supposed to get on crashed, and all 271 passengers died."

They were all in shock and overwhelmed; everyone was brought to tears.

This story is an important reminder for us that everything in life is written and one should always be principled and stick to their beliefs no matter the situation you're put in. Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'ala was testing her belief and if what you believe in is right, then Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'ala will never forget about you. ️ Stories like this make me fall in love with the hijab all over again.

With all the islamophobia going around, I just wanted to remind people the importance of staying strong in your deen, no matter what anyone thinks or says.

Her story reminded us of the following verse in the Qur'an:

Qur'an: 3:159:
" Then when you have taken a decision, put your trust in ALLAH, certainly, ALLAH loves those who put their trust (in him)."

The launch of the Quranic Encyclopaedia; A step towards enrichment

The launch of the Quranic Encyclopaedia; A step towards enrichment

By Jaweria Waheed

4 December 2018

qadri“Ignorance is our only true foe and knowledge is our only true need”. The greatest dilemma of this century is the decline of the culture of knowledge which has been overshadowed by the bulk of information and facts. The field of knowledge and learning has become extinct in the present century where ignorance has collectively eaten up the moral and intellectual conscience of the Muslim world.

In retrospect, events like 9/11 were not a surprise but a painful indication of the underlying crisis that has penetrated deep inside us. Therefore, recovering the Islamic intellectual tradition is an important step to ameliorating the malaise which Muslims and non-Muslims have decried and bemoaned.

In such a gloomy environment, Shaykh ul Islam Dr. Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri has taken a lead in addressing the contemporary challenges that the Muslim world is facing and in such a powerful voice that no one remained unheard on it. He has remarkably authored around 550 books and spoke on more than 12000 topics which are covered in his speeches and lectures.

He has an organizational setup in around 90 countries of the world which are devoted to the promotion of Islam worldwide. He raised the strongest response after 9/11 by writing a 600 pages Fatwa on Terrorism and suicide bombing and has given a Peace Curriculum as a counter-narrative to ISIS propaganda against Islam.

Today on 3rd of December 2018, Dr. Tahir ul Qadri has launched another astonishing and a phenomenal work in the form of Quranic Encyclopaedia. This according to him is a result of his 50 years of study and knowledge. This encyclopaedia which is comprised of 5000 topics has been presented in 8 volumes that will quench the thirst of the real seekers of Divine knowledge. In the age of scientific tools of research and techniques, Dr. Qadri’s Encyclopaedia has given the modern day researchers with the latest tools to extract knowledge from the Holy Quran.

The First five volumes have the compilation of Quranic verses which are categorized under 5000 topics. The first volume is comprised of three parts. First is a detailed introduction of the Encyclopaedia; the next 400 pages cover the list of contents and the third part starts with the topics of belief in Allah Almighty and Tawhid. The second volume covers the core believes of Islam which includes belief in prophethood, holy books, angels and the Day of Judgment.

Volume 3 covers topics related to rights and duties, science and technology. Subjects of peace and tolerance, nonviolence, relations with non-Muslims and lives of prophets are compiled in Volume 4 of this encyclopaedia. Volume 5 covers Quranic verses related to political and government systems, a justice system, economics, wars, and Jihad.

Last part of Volume 5 has a detailed Alphabetic Index of the subjects and topics covered in Encyclopaedia. Volume 6 till 8 are composed of a lengthy Index of Quranic words which has given a direct tool to the researchers to find the relevant subject easily.

The launching ceremony of this encyclopaedia held in Aiwan e Iqbal today was graced by notable scholars, intellectuals, writers, journalists and researchers from across the country. Governor Punjab Ch. Sarwar expressed that Dr. Tahir ul Qadri has addressed the actual needs of this age by writing this Encyclopaedia.

As, Dr. Qadri himself pointed out that the knowledge of the Quran has no limits and it has answers for all the times to come, therefore, it is upon us to derive meanings from it. Quranic Encyclopaedia has been an attempt to redirect our scholars, researchers, and students to directly extract Divine knowledge from it.

To substantiate his argument he said on a lighter note that “I have ended the monopoly of religious scholars from Quran by writing this Encyclopaedia” and Dr. Ghazal Hasan appreciated that now any person can directly seek Divine guidance without relying on any religious scholar because this encyclopaedia has connected Quran with human knowledge. “We have been engulfed in darkness, and this Encyclopaedia is a beacon of light”, she further added.

Dr. Farooq Satar shared his views and declared the Encyclopaedia as a “corridor” which will guide us both in worldly life and the life hereafter. Former Prime Minister Azad Kashmir, Sardar Attique Khan applauded this Encyclopaedia and said that it will help to counter the challenge of the “Clash of civilizations” and will serve as an important milestone in developing a global village.

Amongst all the other literary contributions of Dr. Tahir ul Qadri, this Encyclopaedia is a unique work of its kind which has empowered the scholars, researchers, and students from all fields of education. Dr. Qadri deserves all the appreciation for this splendid miraculous work. He has done a great service to Islam by empowering us with the Divine source of knowledge. May Allah Almighty guide our lives in the light of Quran and help us to act upon it.

Jaweria Waheed is a graduate in International Relations from Kinnaird College. She is a member of the Editorial Board for the magazine ‘Voice of Students’ and has been a blogger with media organizations ARY News & Dunya News, Pakistan. The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Global Village Space’s editorial policy

Sunday 2 December 2018

UN General Assembly Adopts 5 More Resolutions in Favor of Palestine

Ali Kazak

Sun, Dec 2, 4:25 AM (1 day ago)

UN General Assembly Adopts 5 More Resolutions in Favor of Palestine
December 1, 2018

The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) voted, on Friday evening, in favor of five resolutions on Palestine and a sixth resolution on the Golan Heights, WAFA correspondence reported.
One of the most important resolutions adopted today, by the UNGA, called on member states not to recognize any measures taken by Israel in Jerusalem and to maintain the current status quo in the holy city. The resolution also rejected the recent relocation, by the United States, of its Israeli embassy to Jerusalem.
Commenting on the voting, Palestine’s Permanent Observer to the UN, Riyad Mansour, said that “by voting in favor of the five resolutions, the international community affirms its support of our national cause, despite the efforts made by the US administration in international forums to resist this.”
The UNGA also adopted a sixth resolution on the occupied Syrian Golan, demanding the withdrawal of Israel from all of the territory and affirming Syria’s sovereignty over it, in line with the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council.
This is the second such move by the UN in less than two weeks. On November 17, the UNGA voted in favor of eight resolutions on Palestine and a ninth on the Syrian Golan Heights.

Trump: US Troops will Stay in Middle East to Protect Israel
November 30, 2018 "Information Clearing House" -   US President Donald Trump has admitted that the US only keeps its troops in the Middle East to protect Israel.
In an interview with the Washington Post yesterday [27 Nov. 2018], Trump explained that he would not withdraw US troops from the region because of the need to support Israel, despite the fact that other US concerns such as oil were no longer sufficient reason to remain. Trump told the Post:
Now, are we going to stay in that part of the world [the Middle East]? One reason to is Israel. Oil is becoming less and less of a reason because we’re producing more oil now than we’ve ever produced. So, you know, all of a sudden it gets to a point where you don’t have to stay there.
Trump’s comments have been interpreted as referring specifically to Saudi Arabia – one of the US’ main oil providers and increasingly an Israeli ally – with the Times of Israel suggesting the president “appear[s] to envision a world where the US would be less beholden to Saudi Arabia”.

Israel tightens noose around East Jerusalem
The Israeli settlement of Pisgat Zeev in front of the Palestinian Shuafat refugee camp on 27 April 2018. Israel is pressing on with land confiscations and house demolitions
in a bid to bring more Jewish settlers into East Jerusalem and environs.
27 November 2018
Israel took various steps this month to entrench its occupation of East Jerusalem.
From demolishing Palestinian structures to approving further expansion of settlements, Israel continues to threaten Palestinian existence in the heart of the city.
On 21 November, Israel’s high court gave the green light to evict 700 Palestinian residents of the Silwan neighborhood in occupied East Jerusalem from land they’ve lived on for decades.
The court denied an appeal filed by 104 Silwan residents in the Batan al-Hawa area against a 2002 government decision to transfer ownership of the homes of some 70 Palestinian families to three individuals closely associated with Ateret Cohanim, a right-wing Israeli settler organization focused on taking Palestinian land in Jerusalem.
The transfer of ownership is made possible by the 1950 Absentee Property Law, which allows Israel to seize land owned by displaced Palestinian refugees, who fled or were expelled from their homes during and after the Nakba, the 1948 ethnic cleansing of Palestinians carried out by Zionist forces to make room for an Israeli state.
Government collusion
Israel’s high court judges rejected the appeal despite knowing “that the procedure concerning the Silwan village homes was flawed and raised questions about land transfers to [Ateret Cohanim],” Israel’s i24 News reported.
Israeli human rights group B’Tselem condemned the court’s decision, stating that it “gives its seal of approval to almost any infringement of Palestinians’ rights by the Israeli authorities,” adding that various government ministries have assisted Ateret Cohanim in encroaching on Palestinian land in Batan al-Hawa and handing over their homes to Jewish settlers.
Apart from the blatant theft of Palestinian land, the increased presence of illegal settlers also necessitates a greater “security” presence for them, creating an even more violent atmosphere for Palestinian residents.
“The stronger the hold settlers have in the neighborhood of Batan al-Hawa, the greater the number of Palestinians directly impacted by the settler security apparatus, even without being expelled from their homes,” B’Tselem added.
Demolishing storefronts
On 21 November, Israeli occupation forces demolished some 20 commercial buildings on a busy street in Jerusalem’s Shuafat refugee camp.
The Israeli press called it the “most significant” demolition since the construction of Israel’s apartheid wall in the occupied West Bank during thesecond intifada.
The demolition order came from the Jerusalem municipality, which rarely grants Palestinians building licenses, forcing them to build “illegally” and live in constant fear of demolition.
Local media circulated pictures of the operation on social media, dubbing it the “demolition massacre.”
This video shows Israeli forces conducting the demolition:
Israeli forces also detained Palestinians during the operation, including three children:
Demolition warnings were given 12 hours prior to the act. Israeli forces blocked off entrances into the camp and restricted movement in the area on 21 November, and arrived again the day after to continue the demolition.
EU concern
Maja Kocijancic, spokesperson for EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherinicondemned Israel’s actions as jeopardizing a two-state solution.
“The European Union is strongly opposed to Israel’s settlement policy, illegal under international law, and actions taken in that context, such as forced transfers, evictions and demolitions,” she said in a statement on 24 November.
“The EU expects the Israeli authorities to reconsider and reverse these decisions.”
She did not spell out clear consequences for Israel if it defies these calls. In the past, the EU has done nothing to hold Israel accountable for demolishing structures, including ones funded from EU coffers.
Twice displaced
Meanwhile, Israel’s high court has denied the appeal of a Palestinian family who is being evicted from their East Jerusalem home.
The court refused to hear the Sabbagh family’s case on the building’s ownership in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood.
The family of 40 – 30 of which are children – will be thrown out within months and has nowhere else to live.
The Sabbagh family is originally from Jaffa and owns two homes there. They fled following the Nakba and settled in Sheikh Jarrah in 1956.
After the Nakba, Israel took over the homes and properties Palestinians fled under its Absentee Property Law, including those of the Sabbagh family.
“Their two former houses in Jaffa still exist, and they keep pictures of them in their living room,” according to Israeli daily Haaretz.
The house that the Sabbagh family lives on in Sheikh Jarrah was owned by Jewish individuals before the Nakba, but was abandoned during it.
The Jordanian government and the United Nations built housing on the land for Palestinian refugees six years after the Nakba, and the Sabbagh family moved into one of those buildings.
“We have two houses in Jaffa, on Hasneh Street and Hagidam Street, and we have 250 dunams [62.5 acres] in Yavneh and also in Ashdod,” Muhammad Sabbagh, 71, told Haaretz.
“Why can’t I ask for my property from before 1948?”
In 2003, a company registered in the United States, called Nahalat Shimon International, bought the land from the Jewish groups that claim to have owned it before 1948, and has been fighting to forcibly displace Palestinians from there since then.
“The ruling will also make it very difficult for dozens of other Palestinian families in Sheikh Jarrah to avoid eviction,” Haaretz reported.
Settlement ring
Meanwhile, Israel’s parliament passed a law last week permitting the building of residential settlements atop public parks, according to Haaretz. This would enable the construction of housing units in the City of David archeological site near the al-Aqsa mosque in occupied Jerusalem.
The law’s bill was backed by Elad, a private organization that settles Jews in occupied East Jerusalem in violation of international law.
The Palestine Liberation Organization’s National Bureau for Defending Land said the new law was part of an Israeli plan to establish a settlement ring around the city of Jerusalem, in order to increase the number of settlers there at the expense of Palestinian residents.
Earlier this month, the Jerusalem District Planning and Building Committee approved the building of 640 new Israeli settlement homes in Ramat Shlomo, a Jewish-only colony in East Jerusalem.
Some of the new homes will be built on privately owned Palestinian land, according to Haaretz.
Some 3,000 Israeli settlers live in Palestinian neighborhoods in Jerusalem’s Old City and the surrounding area, amid some 100,000 Palestinians, according to B’Tselem.