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Monday 4 February 2019


~Roohul Iman
In Ma-aariful Qur'aan, Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad Shafi (rahmatullah alayh), in the tafseer of the verses dealing with the Battle of Uhud, says:
"The lesson is that Muslims should not rely on the superiority of material means (weapons, etc.). For Muslims, victory is from Allah Ta'ala. Therefore the imperative need is to strengthen the bond with Him. During the Battle of Yarmuk when Hadhrat Umar (radhiyallahu anhu), the then Khalifah, was urgently requested for reinforcements to bolster the small Muslim army, he wrote back to the Muslim commander:
"Your letter has reached me. You have requested reinforcements. I direct you to The being Who is mightier (than reinforcements) with regard to the provision of aid, and Who is a greater Protector. That Being is Allah Azza Wa Jal. Seek His aid. Verily, on the occasion of Badr, Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) was aided with a number (of Mujahideen) less than your number. When my letter reaches you, then attack (the kuffaar) without further reference to me. "
This is the yaqeen which stem from Sabr and Taqwa. There was no doubt in the Promises of Allah Ta'ala. Such yaqeen is possible only if the Deen with all its facets has become the life of the Mu 'min. Then there will be no need to fear the 'high-tech weaponry" of Bush and his coalition. The defeat of Muslims is directly attributable to gross lack of Taqwa and Sabr. It is a grievous error to attribute the defeat and humiliation of Muslims to the lack of air defences and to the superiority of USA high-tech weapons. Those who have failed to understand the meaning of the Qur' aan and who latch on to the juziyaat (particular masaa-il) recorded in Fiqh books imply a belief in the efficacy of the material intermediaries. For the Mu'mineen, especially in the Fields of Jihad, Allah Ta'ala makes wonderful exceptions. He delivers aid and reinforcements to them without the normal worldly agencies and intermediaries as is quite apparent from the letter of Hadhrat Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) and the many Qur'aanic verses. But the imperative conditions are true Taqwa and Sabr which are possible only if the whole Shariah and Sunnah are adopted.
When the commander of the Muslim army at Yarmuk read the inspiring letter of Ameerul Mu'mineen Hadhrat Umar Bin Khattaab (radhiyallahu anhu), the Muslim army taking the Name of Allah, unleashed a ferocious attack. The enemy was decisively defeated.
The question of humiliatingly surrendering never occurred to the Muslims. Kuffaar superiority was never considered valid grounds for disgraceful surrendering and abandonment of brother Mujahideen. Hadhrat Sayyiduna Umar (Radhiyallahu anhu) understood well that victory or defeat for Muslims is not the product of superior weaponry and great numbers of troops. Clarifying this reality, the Qur'aanic verses pertaining to the initial defeat in the Battle of Hunain, state:
"(Remember) the day of Hunain when your majority made you vain. Nothing then  availed you ... "
No one should be deceived by the calamity which has descended on Afghanistan and the Mujahideen over there. They were defeated and disgraced, not because America enjoyed superiority in weapons -not because of the sophisticated missiles, bombers and high-tech armour. Whoever believes that the superiority of the weapons of the USA was the cause of Muslim defeat in Afghanistan implies that- Nauthubillah- Allah Ta'ala Who had aided the Sahaabah in their primitive style warfare in which primitive weapons were used, has become impotent on account of the sophisticated and high tech missiles and aircraft of Bush. But in reality nothing can withstand Divine Aid should it be forthcoming.
The Muslims in Afghanistan suffered their fate of ignominy because of the lack of Taqwa and Sabr. The awe and fear for the weapons of the USA are the effects of deficiency of Imaan and nothing else. All those who attempt to justify the foul epidemic of surrenders in Afghanistan by presenting a variety of mundane factors betray their lack of understanding the Qur'aan and the shakiness of their Imaan, for they doubt the Promises of Allah Ta'ala stated explicitly and repeatedly in the Qur'aan Majeed.

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