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Sunday 26 January 2020

One of Germany’s senior Muslim diplomats, Murad Hoffman, returns to his Lord

One of Germany’s senior Muslim diplomats, Murad Hoffman, returns to his Lord
By Hamza Saleem :, 15 January 2020

Innā lillāhi wa innā ilayhi rājiʿūn. Indeed, to Allāh we belong, and to Him we are returning.
It is with deep sadness that we inform our readers that the scholar and diplomat, Murad Hoffman, has passed to meet his Lord (subḥānahu wa taʿālā). May Allāh have mercy upon him.
Allāh (subḥānahu wa taʿālā) declares:
“Wherever you are, death will overtake you, even if you be in lofty towers.” [1]
“Everyone shall taste death. And only on the Day of Resurrection shall you be paid your wages in full. And whoever is removed away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise, he indeed is successful. The life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception.” [2]
Murad Hofmann was born a Catholic in 1931 in Aschaffenburg, Germany. He later studied at the University of Munich and Harvard University. Hofmann converted to Islam in 1980 as a result of witnessing the Algerian War of Independence, in addition to his admiration of Islamic art.
His reversion was met with political resistance due to his high profile in the German government. Hofmann served as a diplomat for Germany for 33 years, beginning in 1961. He served as ambassador to Algeria and Morocco from 1987 to 1994, and was director of information for NATO. [3]
The “brilliant” thinker and scientist with a “first class” personality drew much attention to his religious beliefs with his publishing of many books and articles, including Islam: The Alternative, Journey to Makkah, and Diary of a German Muslim. On 13th January 2019, the Central Council of Muslims in Germany – of which Hofmann was an honorary and advisory member – announced that he had returned to his Lord at the age of 88.
Yahya Birt said:
“Humane, rational, morally serious yet a wonderful raconteur and dinner companion, it was my pleasure to get to know him and work with him as an editor of the Muslim World Book Review, to which he was an erudite and prolific contributor. In many ways, intellectually and temperamentally, he was Muhammad Asad’s true heir in Europe.”
Dr Ecevit Polat wrote for his obituary:
“Murad Hofmann’s extraordinary contribution to the understanding of Islam is not only an immense enrichment in the German-speaking world. It is not difficult to predict that his books will also impress future generations. Likewise, even critics of Islam, such as Prof. Ursula Spuler-Stegemann, admit that Hofmann’s books “reflect a very attractive side of Islam.” It is therefore not surprising that Hofmann was and will remain a role model for many Muslims until the end. His tireless commitment, even in old age, to understanding and tolerance was particularly appreciated by the local Muslims. Murad Hofmann was undoubtedly the most influential Muslim today and a gift from Germany to Islam.” [4]
Finally, Sheikh Dr Haitham Al-Haddad said:
“He is proof that Islam is not an Arab or Eastern religion, rather it is a religion for all of humanity- whether they are black Africans, brown Arabs or white Europeans.”
We beseech Allāh (subḥānahu wa taʿālā) to expand his grave, shower His infinite mercy upon him, to forgive his sins and grant his family patience. We ask Allāh (subḥānahu wa taʿālā) to make this difficult time an expiation of sins and the raising of rank in the sight of our Lord.
May Allāh continue to raise up dedicated and upright individuals who will continue the propagation of Islam in Germany and beyond.

George Soros calls out Modi on Kashmir, Hindutva

George Soros calls out Modi on Kashmir, Hindutva

The billionaire was speaking at the World Economic Forum at Davos

Sabrangindia                                                                      24 Jan 2020

Nothing stings Narendra Modi more than international condemnation. A public relations disaster in the form of scathing remarks from one of the world’s wealthiest and most powerful investors and philanthropists, therefore, deals a body-blow to his carefully crafted image as a leader committed to “Sabka saath, sabka vikas”.
The Hungarian-American billionaire was speaking at the annual economic summit being held at Davos in Switzerland and addressing the subject of how nationalism was making headway, he said the “biggest setback” was being seen in India.
"Nationalism, far from being reversed, made further headway. The biggest and most frightening setback occurred in India where a democratically elected Narendra Modi is creating a Hindu nationalist state, imposing punitive measures on Kashmir, a semi-autonomous Muslim region, and threatening to deprive millions of Muslims of their citizenship," said Soros.
Over the last few weeks several top businessmen, economists and intellectuals have spoken up against Modi.
In November 2019, industrialist Rahul Bajaj took the bull by its horns when he said that people in India are fearful of speaking out against the Modi government and that he wasn’t sure if the government can accept criticism in the right spirit.
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella too did not mince words when he expressed displeasure with amendments to India’s citizenship laws. "I think what is happening is sad, primarily as sort of someone who grew up there ... I think it's just bad," Nadella told BuzzFeed at an event in New York.
"And even a story like mine being possible in a country like this - I think, if anything, I would love to see a Bangladeshi immigrant who comes to India and creates the next unicorn in India or becomes the CEO of Infosys. That should be the aspiration. If I had to sort of mirror what happened to me in the US, I hope that’s what happens in India."
Meanwhile, in December 2019, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Chief Economist Gita Gopinath had also warned that India needed to take urgent measures such as labour and land reforms and strengthening the financial system, to get its economy back on track lest the downturn have global fallout. On Monday, January 20, while releasing its World Economic Outlook (WEO) the IMF slashed global growth projections for 2019 to 2.9 per cent and for 2020 to 3.3 per cent. India's growth forecast was also downgraded for 2019 to 4.8 per cent from 6.1 per cent on the back of sharp decline in consumer demand, stress in the NBFC sector and sluggish credit growth, reported Business Today. She told India Today that India could be responsible for 8- percent of the global slowdown!
These are hits that Modi’s “vikas-purush” image cannot afford to take. But will all this international criticism compel Modi to double down on his supremacist agenda and restore human rights of persecuted minorities across India, dignity to the people of Kashmir and Assam, and repeal the patently unconstitutional provisions of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA)? Or will his hubris finally become his undoing?


Well, the world has changed as it should but perhaps they had a point as there is a Vaish — not one at the top of the class but a tea-seller from a shop that would be at the other end of the spectrum from those charming English tea shops in Devon — now running the country.  Of dubious education that has been challenged and a beginning in the ultra-nationalist RSS (once outlawed by India’s founding prime minister and known also for producing Gandhi’s assassin) Narendra Modi is at India’s helm.  His BJP party’s rise is linked to stoking up tensions between Hindus and minority Muslims, whose suffering has been well documented Police powers have been increased and Muslim Kashmir is now under direct rule from Delhi, while new laws are disqualifying Muslims from citizenship.  So reports The Economist in its special issue, The State of the World in 2020 (p. 53).
Better known is the pogrom of Muslims in Modi’s Gujarat when he headed the provincial government there, and his party’s role in the destruction of a 500-year old mosque built by Babur so that the fictitious birthplace of Ram would be holy to both religions
After the Indian rebellion against British rule, the British saw advantage in fostering division among communities in the infamous divide-and-rule maxim, now changed by Modi into suppress-and-rule, as the left-over Muslim community is poor and weak after the emigration of many to Pakistan following partition and independence in 1947.
Gandhi and founding Prime Minister Nehru’s vision of a secular India is enshrined in its constitution, which Modi and the BJP’s Hindu nationalist agenda subverts.  Its Hindutva, a Nazi-like ideology holding Hinduism supreme, wants India to be an exclusively Hindu nation noting that Hindu and Muslim cultures are different, without regard to the similarities.  As a video demonstrating the new ideology in practice points out, it is safer to be a cow than a Muslim in Modi’s India.
It is what one can expect when an ill-educated, charismatic tea-seller takes over the world’s largest democracy offering cultural superiority and its false pride, hare brained schemes like a deadline declaring old high denomination banknotes illegal causing chaos at banks.  Poorly managed plans like toilets and gas cookers for the poor are touted as successes.  But the toilets are not used because the plans did not include maintenance, and gas cooker distribution is riddled with corruption.  Meanwhile, the economy suffers and the country ranks 102 out 117 on the Global Hunger Index (between Sierra Leone and Niger) and far behind Bangladesh. 

Friday 24 January 2020

Burma Task Force USA

Burma Task Force USA
It is a great day for those fighting to prevent genocide in the world.
In its landmark decision, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) proved that the light of justice cannot be extinguished.
For the first time, the highest court in the world has declared that Rohingyas in Mynamar must be protected against genocide. Burma Task Force now asks Burma and Bangladesh both to allow Rohingya the right to education, the right to earn a living and the right to travel as soon as possible.
Rohingya leaders were at ICJ in the Hague over the last few days, as was Imam Abdul Malik Mujahid, awaiting the decision. “We thank the Court for this important step towards peace and justice. It is time for certain governments to stop making excuses for Burma,” stated Imam Mujahid.
“With hearts renewed with hope, we join with Rohingya and other persecuted minorities of Burma to call on the Burmese people to face their responsibilities for ensuring justice is done for all.”
Here are the four major decisions that the ICJ’s panel of 17 judges gave unanimously:
First, it established that the court has the right to hear the case. It also ruled that the Gambia was well within its rights to bring this case to the court under the Genocide Convention, contrary to Burma’s contention that it had no such right.
Secondly, it ordered Burma to protect all 600,000 Rohingyas who are left in Burma from all military, and paramilitary forces from harming them physically or mentally.
Thirdly, the court ordered Burma to preserve all evidence of genocide.
And lastly, the court asked Myanmar to submit a report within 4 months .
The ruling of the court was unanimous, including even the assent of a Burmese and Chinese judge.
Here is our official press release, as well as the official judgement from the ICJ. You can learn more about the details of the case here.
Next steps:
This is a historic win for the Rohingya people and for the struggle to end genocide for good. However, we must not rest, as pressure must be kept on Burma to ensure the regime abides by the ruling.
The Netherlands and Canada have set a great example by publicly claiming their support for the Gambia in its case at the ICJ. Please call leaders from other countries, including the U.S., and ask for their support as well.
Burma Task Force

1-On 124th Birth Anniversary Of Subhash Chandra Bose How Hindutva Gang Stabbed Netaji 2-BJP alienating Urdu to alienate Muslim culture 3-UP CAA protests Firozabad FIRs same accused fear will be blamed for deaths 4-Muzaffarnagar anti-CAA protests: FIR show

In India — by Shamsul Islam — January 23, 2020
BJP alienating Urdu to alienate Muslim culture?
The recent spate of name changes from Urdu to Sanskrit and other incidents just go to show the ruling party’s crafty agenda

Sabrangindia                                                                                  23 Jan 2020
January 22, 2020
UP CAA protests: Firozabad FIRs same, accused fear 

will be blamed for deaths

Thirteen people are in judicial custody for the Firozabad anti-CAA violence, facing charges such as attempt to murder, dacoity and damaging public and private property, rioting and criminal intimidation.

Written by Shyamlal Yadav | Firozabad | Updated: January 22, 2020 8:09:07 am
January 23, 2020

Muzaffarnagar anti-CAA protests: FIR shows arrests on 

spot but weapons seized 18 hrs later, 500 meters from 


Despite the case being related to rioting and alleged damage of public property by the accused, the police did not seize any weapons from any of the identified accused on the day the incident took place.

farmersagitationagainstlandacquisition in Rajasthan

Kashmir reappears on the UNSC radar after 49 years!

Kashmir reappears on the UNSC radar after 49 years!
How are different Security Council members reacting?
Sabrangindia                                                                    23 Jan 2020

CAA: 30 Reasons To Reject

Police break up women’s protest in Varanasi, 6 held

January 24, 2020
Police break up women’s protest in Varanasi, 6 held

After registering an FIR against the protesters, police released photos of 24 people, who they claimed were protesters and sought information about their whereabouts with a reward of Rs 5,000.
Written by Avaneesh Mishra | Lucknow | Published: January 24, 2020 2:59:55 am

Their cases falling, Muzaffarnagar police now invoke Juvenile Act

January 24, 2020
Their cases falling, Muzaffarnagar police now invoke 
Juvenile Act, say anti-CAA protesters used kids

Section 83 (2) of the JJ Act was invoked against at least 33 accused named in an FIR lodged on December 21 at the Civil Line police station in Muzaffarnagar — that FIR was also against 3,000 unknown accused.
Written by Kaunain Sheriff M | New Delhi | Updated: January 24, 2020 10:34:33 am

Monday 20 January 2020


A billboard on Interstate 45, north of Dallas is intended to encourage discussion of the fundamental beliefs associated with Islam.
A billboard up this month in Dallas is designed to encourage dialogue on the fundamental teachings of Islam.
The billboard on Interstate 45, southeast of downtown Dallas, features the message: "Find Jesus in the Qur'an, Muhammad in the Bible."
"The Muslim Jesus" campaign was launched by a Chicago-based group called GainPeace. The group does community outreach for the Islamic Circle of North America. Sabeel Ahmed is the executive director of GainPeace. 
"Our main purpose is to build bridges, and to erase the misconceptions," Ahmed said. "We want to educate our fellow Americans, giving them an opportunity to look into Islam, to read about Islam through our website and billboards." 
The goal of the billboard is to let the public know that Jesus is not only a part of Christianity, he is also a part of Islam. Ahmed said people in other faith traditions may have the misconception that Muslims don't believe in Jesus and the Virgin Mary. They want to address that.
"Jesus is mentioned with love and respect and honor more than 25 times in the Quran," Ahmed said. "Mary the mother of Jesus is likewise mentioned 32 times in the Quran." 
The same billboard, designed to spark dialogue, is on display in Houston, Chicago and Atlanta. It also says "Free Qur'an, discuss Islam," inviting people to call 1-800-662-ISLAM.
Ahmed said these billboard campaigns have brought in thousands of calls over the years.
"We have received close to 60,000 calls in the last 10 years," he said. "People call us, they ask us questions, and we also have a service where we send them a free copy of the Quran, either in English or in Spanish." 
Ahmed said he hopes the billboard campaign will help people realize that Islam stands for justice and peace.

'Salaams to all~

~ Y a s m i n ~
~*Never Despair Of The Mercy Of Allah*~ 
~Say, 'Indeed, my Prayer, my Rites of Sacrifice,
my Living and my Dying are for ALLAH, Lord of the Worlds'~
{'Qur`an'~Surat Al-`An`am -# 6-162.}