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Friday 24 January 2020

Burma Task Force USA

Burma Task Force USA
It is a great day for those fighting to prevent genocide in the world.
In its landmark decision, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) proved that the light of justice cannot be extinguished.
For the first time, the highest court in the world has declared that Rohingyas in Mynamar must be protected against genocide. Burma Task Force now asks Burma and Bangladesh both to allow Rohingya the right to education, the right to earn a living and the right to travel as soon as possible.
Rohingya leaders were at ICJ in the Hague over the last few days, as was Imam Abdul Malik Mujahid, awaiting the decision. “We thank the Court for this important step towards peace and justice. It is time for certain governments to stop making excuses for Burma,” stated Imam Mujahid.
“With hearts renewed with hope, we join with Rohingya and other persecuted minorities of Burma to call on the Burmese people to face their responsibilities for ensuring justice is done for all.”
Here are the four major decisions that the ICJ’s panel of 17 judges gave unanimously:
First, it established that the court has the right to hear the case. It also ruled that the Gambia was well within its rights to bring this case to the court under the Genocide Convention, contrary to Burma’s contention that it had no such right.
Secondly, it ordered Burma to protect all 600,000 Rohingyas who are left in Burma from all military, and paramilitary forces from harming them physically or mentally.
Thirdly, the court ordered Burma to preserve all evidence of genocide.
And lastly, the court asked Myanmar to submit a report within 4 months .
The ruling of the court was unanimous, including even the assent of a Burmese and Chinese judge.
Here is our official press release, as well as the official judgement from the ICJ. You can learn more about the details of the case here.
Next steps:
This is a historic win for the Rohingya people and for the struggle to end genocide for good. However, we must not rest, as pressure must be kept on Burma to ensure the regime abides by the ruling.
The Netherlands and Canada have set a great example by publicly claiming their support for the Gambia in its case at the ICJ. Please call leaders from other countries, including the U.S., and ask for their support as well.
Burma Task Force

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